Mobigame - Download the game EDGE on your iPhone or iPod Touch

Games for iPhone, iPod touch and mobile handsets- Download the game EDGE on your Apple iPhone or iPod Touch on iTunes app store

Edge has been released for the iphone. It is one of the best innovative game for iPhone and iPod touch. The game Edge from Mobigame won the Milthon Award of the Best Mobile Game 2008 at the Festival du Jeu Video in France.
EDGE for iphone and ipod touch won 2 awards at the IMGA contest. EDGE was nominated 3 times to the Independant Game Festival awards, for best soundtrack, best mobile game, and best iPhone game. Mobigame creates innovative games for mobile phone

Games for iPhone and iPod touch

My rank
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password :
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Choose level
1. first step
2. climbing
3. moving walls
4. click
5. black robot
6. dark cube
7. roots
8. flick
9. lying bridge
10. crateria
11. stratosphere
12. tiny road
13. cloudy way
14. walled up race
15. sugar ground
16. dark edge time
17. trench
18. paper wall
19. claustrophobia
20. electric way
21. impulse maze
22. far
23. deadly race
24. dont click
25. white spring
26. hurry
27. blind
28. wire
29. hyperphase
30. star factory
31. star dust
32. destructuring
33. black hole
34. robot sport
35. cube fall
36. galaxy rail
37. voodoo dance
38. highest flag
39. geometric snake
40. rodeo
41. final clash
42. pushy
43. arksecktor
44. timorg



Level 44 - timorg
Rank Login Time Class
1Timorg1' 45" 27S+
2Wogfan1' 49" 13S+
3Zerg1' 55" 04S+
4Zoolander1' 59" 04S+
5lsm3742' 01" 45S+
6Sess222' 05" 13S+
7andy2' 05" 72S+
8GodBless2' 07" 77S+
9fedesk82' 12" 95S+
10lazylady2' 17" 00S+
11timxxj2' 17" 45S+
12wellle2' 17" 54S+
13DrDave2' 17" 72S+
14rotane2' 18" 31S+
15rubberpuppy2' 18" 63S+
16guardian2572' 20" 00S+
17LiLbUg2' 21" 09S+
18Temka2' 21" 27S+
19LittleSoup20052' 22" 00S+
20bwhetsell2' 22" 86S+
21Premist2' 24" 09S+
22CeSinge2' 24" 36S+
23iggyboop2' 24" 86S+
24comandeer2' 25" 45S+
25jance2' 27" 36S+
26eyghon2' 30" 81S.
27mjwangzi2' 53" 36S.
28mjwangzie2' 53" 36S.
29Ayman2' 55" 72S.
30Flower2' 59" 90S.
31Champ3' 12" 86S.
32markleung3' 14" 63S.
33dtmckeown3' 33" 81S.
34Vijay3' 34" 63S.
35ycchen263' 35" 40S.
36The2ndKnight3' 37" 40S.
37SHIRAHARU3' 40" 40S.
38NF753' 43" 04S.
39Delphin3' 52" 40S.
40firefox4' 09" 45S.
41BinkMagician4' 10" 27S.
42brainsolid4' 13" 95S.
43Rodol554' 26" 31A.
44DrJD4' 37" 36A.
45Kendra4' 44" 22A.
46JordanMolitor4' 44" 72A.
47Dario994' 58" 09A.
48CH235' 03" 59A.
49Drmlon5' 23" 59A.
50Teaufou5' 50" 00A.
51peevey6' 11" 81B.
52ipodtouch5g6' 20" 59B.
53Naipaul6' 24" 50B.
54karawapo6' 29" 27B.
55Dotano6' 29" 45B.
56cswinter6' 58" 00B.
57Ibrahim7' 15" 40B.
58Lump7' 21" 09B.
59koppa7' 49" 31C.
60link007' 51" 45C.
61SecretOnline7' 56" 00C.
62galactorus8' 58" 72C.
63Barnacle9' 08" 27C.
64althai9' 54" 72D.
65voltknuckle10' 21" 27D.
66SH3RIFFO10' 24" 40D.
67adktz10' 27" 81D.
68DNowitzki10' 31" 18D.
69Vmuriel10' 37" 50D.
70fabiofigo7110' 39" 31D.
71NMinker10' 42" 31D.
72wstevenson11' 15" 59D.
73ecube11' 21" 95D.
74slippyd11' 31" 63D.
75azrle13' 10" 45D.
76fenwick13' 32" 86D.
77Joshuamaster9613' 40" 18D.
78Chrisispaper13' 45" 04D.
79echo105214' 16" 18D.
80chrismear14' 50" 27D.
81RedKai14' 51" 86D.
82Heyday7215' 25" 68D.
83cofuda17' 15" 04D.
84cobbyco17' 57" 86D.
85ttomic20' 46" 90D.
86CARfirst21' 18" 50D.
87mokalan35' 22" 31D.
Total 44 lvls - Top 50
1Wogfan53' 57" 45
2Timorg54' 11" 00
3Zerg56' 40" 31
4Zoolander62' 09" 63
5timxxj62' 15" 22
6lsm37464' 00" 31
7lazylady66' 59" 68
8DrDave67' 36" 50
9Sess2267' 48" 77
10LiLbUg68' 58" 54
11andy70' 42" 45
12guardian25772' 47" 00
13eyghon72' 48" 63
14Temka74' 52" 36
15rubberpuppy75' 49" 95
16comandeer76' 41" 59
17rotane76' 56" 59
18GodBless77' 22" 45
19fedesk877' 29" 22
20bwhetsell77' 45" 13
21mjwangzi77' 45" 90
22CeSinge77' 46" 90
23wellle77' 46" 95
24mjwangzie78' 00" 27
25Premist78' 26" 40
26jance78' 33" 09
27LittleSoup200579' 47" 54
28iggyboop80' 48" 90
29ycchen2681' 37" 72
30Delphin84' 28" 00
31Ayman84' 54" 77
32markleung88' 44" 54
33Champ90' 33" 54
34Rodol5590' 58" 40
35link0091' 10" 31
36BinkMagician93' 54" 95
37Flower94' 05" 90
38Drmlon98' 51" 04
39NF75101' 11" 04
40SHIRAHARU101' 30" 77
41dtmckeown105' 18" 86
42DrJD105' 21" 72
43The2ndKnight106' 23" 09
44Vijay107' 07" 90
45brainsolid107' 08" 50
46Kendra110' 56" 36
47Dario99112' 42" 68
48Ibrahim119' 08" 50
49firefox121' 26" 40
50CARfirst123' 26" 54

Total 41 lvls - Top 50
1Wogfan49' 13" 77
2Timorg49' 35" 50
3Zerg51' 44" 54
4timxxj56' 18" 63
5Zoolander56' 41" 90
6lsm37458' 25" 45
7lazylady60' 54" 95
8DrDave61' 18" 50
9LiLbUg61' 33" 27
10Sess2262' 10" 63
11andy64' 12" 22
12guardian25765' 06" 04
13eyghon65' 38" 31
14Temka68' 06" 13
15rubberpuppy69' 09" 40
16rotane69' 23" 95
17comandeer69' 52" 09
18mjwangzi69' 52" 36
19CeSinge70' 05" 77
20mjwangzie70' 06" 72
21GodBless70' 17" 45
22bwhetsell70' 39" 63
23fedesk870' 46" 77
24jance70' 51" 31
25Premist71' 06" 90
26wellle71' 11" 63
27LittleSoup200572' 44" 40
28iggyboop73' 15" 18
29ycchen2673' 20" 50
30Delphin75' 19" 09
31Ayman76' 56" 77
32link0077' 54" 36
33markleung80' 32" 90
34Champ81' 04" 09
35Rodol5581' 08" 40
36BinkMagician83' 37" 31
37Flower84' 52" 04
38Drmlon87' 03" 40
39NF7590' 18" 81
40SHIRAHARU91' 34" 27
41DrJD94' 17" 27
42dtmckeown95' 18" 59
43CARfirst95' 36" 86
44Vijay96' 28" 59
45brainsolid96' 31" 36
46The2ndKnight97' 02" 18
47oOExpaOo98' 24" 09
48Kendra99' 28" 63
49Dario99100' 55" 13
50Ibrahim104' 10" 54

Edge Time - Top 20
1Wogfan22' 42" 27
2GodBless22' 42" 27
3wstevenson16' 27" 59
4Chrisispaper7' 17" 54
5oOExpaOo4' 59" 31
6Timorg4' 09" 18
7Axpe3' 36" 95
8Temka3' 21" 31
9LiLbUg3' 20" 68
10Zerg3' 06" 36
11LittleSoup20053' 01" 13
12Sess222' 59" 22
13CeSinge2' 54" 31
14guardian2572' 43" 40
15Dario992' 34" 50
16iggyboop1' 57" 95
17BinkMagician1' 51" 81
18elsnichkum1' 44" 63
19Zoolander1' 43" 09
20Naipaul1' 36" 04

New Players

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Mobigame - Download the game EDGE on your iPhone or iPod Touch

Games for iPhone, iPod touch and mobile handsets- Download the game EDGE on your Apple iPhone or iPod Touch on iTunes app store

Edge has been released for the iphone. It is one of the best innovative game for iPhone and iPod touch. The game Edge from Mobigame won the Milthon Award of the Best Mobile Game 2008 at the Festival du Jeu Video in France.
EDGE for iphone and ipod touch won 2 awards at the IMGA contest. EDGE was nominated 3 times to the Independant Game Festival awards, for best soundtrack, best mobile game, and best iPhone game. Mobigame creates innovative games for mobile phone

Apss for iPhone and iPod touch
